(08) 9367 7546   Consultations by appointment  


Dermatologists are doctors who have specialised in assessing any condition affecting the skin, hair or nails – undergoing many years of specialist training in order to gain knowledge, experience and expertise in providing the highest standard of care in your diagnosis and treatment.

Dedicated to ensuring the very best functional and aesthetic results, Perth Skin Specialists provide a comprehensive service covering all aspects of Medical, Surgical and Cosmetic Dermatology – including, but not limited to:

General Adult Dermatology

We will look after any aspect of your skin, hair or nails that may arise – whether it is an acute or chronic condition. This includes the common cases such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin infections, pigmentation issues, skin rashes, alopecia and scarring.

General Paediatric Dermatology

We manage any skin, hair or nail issue that your child may have, including the more common conditions such as Eczema, Birthmarks, Infections, Acne and Psoriasis.

Surgical Dermatology

We are very experienced when it comes to surgical procedures involving the skin. Whether it is for superficial techniques and simple excisions, through to the more complex flaps or grafts; we are happy to see you for management of your scars or skin defects, benign growths or skin cancers.

Skin Cancer Screening / Skin Checks

Dermatologists are the experts when it comes to skin cancer. We have had extensive training over many years, and apply the latest knowledge during our consultations. There are no gimmicks or shortcuts, nor any unnecessary approaches – instead we provide the utmost care when it comes to assessing you during your skin checks.

Immunological Skin Diseases

We are happy to see all cases that may pertain to Immunological skin conditions including Lupus, Dermatomyositis and others.

Inflammatory Skin Diseases

This includes conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and anyone affected by inflammation of the skin.


Whether it is mild, moderate, or severe, acne needs to be taken seriously. It is a very common disease that can significantly affect your day-to-day life, and requires the expert care that we can give. We provide a comprehensive approach when it comes to managing your acne, covering all medical, laser, surgical and cosmetic treatments.


Excessive sweating can be a real problem and significantly restrict your daily activities. We are experienced in the treatments you can use to get this under control, including Botox injections (for which a Medicare rebate is available when treating certain areas).


We are able to provide very specific treatments for common skin conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis. Here at Perth Skin Specialists we have the latest phototherapy machine from the leading brand of UV therapy equipment.
Medicare rebates will cover the cost of your phototherapy sessions.


We pride ourselves in the care of your skin. We will assess your individual needs and advise on the best approach required to obtain your optimal cosmetic and aesthetic outcomes. Treatments include Injectables (botulinum toxin), Fillers, Peels, Surgery, and Lasers. A full list of our cosmetic services are detailed below.

Skin rejuvenation
As a Dermatologist our specialty is your skin, including when it comes to rejuvenation treatments. We welcome the opportunity to provide aesthetic assessments during our consultations.Skin rejuvenation treatments will help your skin appear visibly healthier and younger by addressing various aspects including; wrinkles, pigmentation, blemishes, sun-spots, loss of skin tone, visible blood vessels, and scars.

Keep in mind that in some cases it may not be just the one modality that is required – often a combination of treatments can be employed to successfully achieve your desired outcome.

We have a Class 4 Medical Grade “Sciton” laser with which we can perform resurfacing treatments aimed at improving the texture of the skin, as well as treating maturity/age spots, removing brown spots, clearing of blemishes, smoothing of fine lines or wrinkles, and targeting the appearance of scars. Skin tightening can also be achieved with this device.

“Wrinkle Relaxers
We cater to the requirements of each individual when it comes to injecting Botulinum toxin for cosmetic purposes. Injecting wrinkle relacers into specific facial muscles is a very effective way of smoothing out some of the facial wrinkles & fine lines, leaving you with a more youthful visage, and can be extremely complementing – especially when done correctly without leaving you with a ‘frozen face’.

We take an individual tailored approach to each patient’s needs, and have various fillers available – whether the aim is to enhance your features, rejuvenate the skin, attain a fuller and more youthful appearance, or to rectify any specific aesthetic concerns you may have.

Chemical peeling
This is a controlled process whereby outermost layers of the skin are removed to expose a fresh new layer of skin with a smoother texture, and help even out skin colour and tone. It has been shown to stimulate cellular regeneration, as well as collagen repair and growth, which in turn tightens the skin and decreases wrinkling.